Wednesday 14 November 2018

1680 - Aprill

A Brief

Historical Relation


by Narcissus Luttrell

1680 - Aprill

In which Knighthoods, Prorogation and a Devilish Contrivance

Aprill: His majestie hath conferred the honour of knighthood on John Edwards of Heath house in Shropshire; and on Richard Deerham esq.

Severall witnesses came lately from Ireland, as Hubert Bourke, John Macknemarra, Edward Ivy and Thomas Sampson, and they are remanded again to Ireland to give their informations there.

The judges being returned from their severall circuits, appeared the 14th at councill, and gave his majestie and account od what they had done in pursuance of the directions they had, for the more effectuall executing the laws against popish recusants.

The 14th, his majestie conferred the honour of knighthood on capt. William Dodson of London.

The 15th, the parliament mett, and were by commission prorogued to the 17th of May next.

The 16th, the earl of Ossory was sworn one of his majesties privy councill, and took his place at the board accordingly.

On the testimony of the witnesses lately come from Ireland, the councill have declared they are satisfied there is a devilish contrivance carried on by the papists in that kindome.

The words that Mr. Dare of Taunton spoke, and for which he was found guilty, were, that there was but two waies to remedy grievances, by petition, or by the sword.

The bill for high treason hath been found by the grand jury for the county of Stafford, against the lord Aston, sir James Symonds, Mr. Heveningham and others, and tis supposed will be removed by certiorari into the kings bench.

Mr. Bedlow is lately gone into Ireland.

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